The AR Interactive Pregnancy & Development of Your Baby Guide is supported by Red Nose Saving Little Lives (formerly Sids and Kids) and Red Nose Grief and Loss, the Eczema Association Australasia , Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia and the Continence Foundation of Australia. 
​The Augmented Reality (AR) content transforms the Guide into an interactive resource where expecting parents, carers and industry experts can access and download additional topical information by using the Pro-Vis AR app on their smart device.
The Guide is distributed to maternity wards, birth centres, maternal and child health centres, hospitals, obstetricians and midwives, as well as pregnancy exercise and health centres.

Topics covered in this new edition include guidelines on:

  • Sleeping Babies Safely;
  • Pregnancy Skincare;
  • Mental Wellbeing During Pregnancy;
  • Pregnancy and Sleep;
  • The Benefits of Breastfeeding.